3915 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H8

604 - 734 - 8118

604 - 734 - 8118

Dental Cavities

What is a cavity?

A cavity is a hole that has formed in the tooth because of tooth decay. A person with a cavity can experience no symptoms or many symptoms depending on the severity of the decay and their own individual characteristics. Common symptoms include sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet sensations, a toothache, pain or sensitivity when eating, and visible black/brown staining or pits in the tooth.

How do cavities develop?

Cavities develop from plaque (harmful bacteria) that resides in the mouth. These bacteria attach to your teeth and secrete substances that break down your tooth enamel. Over time, if plaque is not removed regularly, the bacteria form a hole in the tooth which is called a cavity.

How to deal with a cavity?

If you experience any symptoms of a cavity, it is best to get an opinion from a dental professional. When cavities are ignored, they often get worse so it is best to prioritize your oral health and get the tooth looked at as soon as you can.
When experiencing dental pain or any other dental problem, make note of when it happens, where it is and what it feels like. Your interpretation of what you are experiencing will provide the dentist with useful information to help with your diagnosis and treatment.

Best ways to prevent cavities?

  1. Follow the 2-2-2 rule
    • Brush your teeth two times each day
    • Brush for 2 minutes each time
    • See a dental provider at least 2 times per year (Some individuals may need to come in more frequently depending on their oral health needs)
  2. Use fluoridated toothpaste
  3. Floss your teeth daily
    • This is especially important to prevent cavities between your teeth
  4. Limit acidic drinks (ie. Carbonated soda) and sugary foods in your diet