3915 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H8

604 - 734 - 8118

604 - 734 - 8118

Teeth Whitening

What is teeth whitening?

Over time, teeth can become stained by consuming coffee, tea, red wine, berries, red pasta sauces, and curry, certain medications as well as partaking in activity such as smoking. Luckily there are ways to reverse staining by various degrees. Teeth whitening is the process of lightening the color and eliminating stains on the tooth enamel by a gentle chemical process.

How does it work?

Whitening can be accomplished in two ways at Palm Dental Centre:

In-office whitening

You will only need about 1 hour at the In-office whitening session before “instant pearly whites” are noticeable. An impressive shade transformation takes place so before the procedure begins, your teeth photos will be taken. 

Next, the dental assistant will position you comfortably in the dental chair and apply a protective resin to the gums. After the protective layer, a whitening gel is painted onto the teeth and left for about 8 minutes. The dental practitioner hovers nearby waiting to rinse and suction the spent whitening gel from the surface of each tooth. 

The painting-the-new-whitening gel step is repeated two more times to attain the desired level of whiteness. At each stage, the dental assistant will check for gum sensitivity. When the final removal of whitening gel and resin is completed, you are readied for the exciting end-result images of your teeth.

Custom-fit whitening trays

These are trays made from impressions of your teeth so that a customized fit is created.  A good fitting tray is very important to enable precision as to where the whitening gel is applied.  Our professional whitening kit comes with two take away whitening syringes. The whitening take-home kit is popular since it allows you to whiten your teeth when it is convenient for you. This option requires two appointments to make and deliver your trays, but afterwards only requires visits to pick up more whitening solution and to check-in with your dentist.

Both ways are effective means of whitening and only differ on your preference and time.  The in-office whitening shows instant results while the custom fit take-home kit takes about 2 weeks.   

Things to consider:

Whitening will not change the color of any pre-existing crowns. If you are considering whitening currently or in the future, but also need restorative dental work, consult your dentist to make a treatment plan so you can be happy with the results. 
