3915 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC V5C 2H8

604 - 734 - 8118

604 - 734 - 8118

Tooth Extraction

An extraction procedure is the removal of a tooth or tooth parts and is performed for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include but are not limited to the following:

  • decayed tooth
  • tooth diagnosed with cracked tooth syndrome
  • wisdom teeth if they are causing sensitivity or crowding
  • create space for orthodontic movement (this is no longer common practice)

If your dentist has recommended an extraction, know that this special treatment plan is necessary for the overall health of you and your teeth.  

I need an extraction, what should I expect?

If you are worried about an upcoming extraction, it can help to know what to expect at the appointment. Your dentist or specialist will talk to you before the procedure and make sure you understand what the appointment will entail.

First consultation

  • x rays are needed
  • patient history and list of medications or supplements you are taking

 Extraction appointment

  • patient comfort is the first priority
  • local freezing/anaesthetic is injected into the gums to numb the area to prevent discomfort.
  • sometimes I.V. Sedation is used for more complex extraction cases
  • dental practitioner removes the tooth as seamlessly as possible
  • post extraction care ie. stopping some bleeding (usually stops or lessens within minutes to two hours depending on the individual)

Post-operative Care

  1. Bleeding and inflammation are expected and are a natural part of the healing process. However, it is good to control the bleeding.   Bite down to apply pressure on the gauze sponge provided to help stop any bleeding that can occur during the first couple of hours.  If bleeding persists, remove used gauze sponge and replace with new one.  Continue to bite down over the extraction site.  Repeat this method up to every hour and consider biting down on a damp but cooled black tea bag to help stop the bleeding.  The astringent quality of tannins as well as the caffeine in black tea can act to constrict blood vessels and aid in the necessary clot formation. Black tea also has natural antibacterial properties to help ward off infection. If bleeding is severe and continues past 24 hours, then call your dentist for further advice.
  2. Ice Pack use is another way to reduce swelling and pain.  Hold the ice pack at the side of the face where extraction took place.  Use the 10 minutes-on and 10 minutes-off rule for the first day.
  3. Other tips to make you as comfortable as possible:
    • sleep with an extra pillow to keep head elevated for 2-3 days
    • do not drink from straws
    • avoid rinsing mouth and spitting for first day
    • take medications as dentist prescribed
    • gentle rinsing with warm salt water next day (no Scope/Listerine)
    • use soft toothbrush to brush teeth but avoiding extraction area
    • rest and listen to your body